Friday, April 20, 2007

Uta’s message to the world – Everything is love! :) - SMILE

:) :) :) Smile, please!!! :) :) :)
Smile with your mouth, your eyes, your soul,
Smile anyhow, just smile!
to send away the pain, to send away the sadness,
to send away the stress, to send away the bareness...
The smile lights up your face and life!
Smiling is a simple practice: raising up the corners of your lips and raising up the soul into your sights!
The smile is the cheapest yet the most valuable GIFT we can offer to each other!
Life is a game! Let’s play nice together!

Uta is giving this message -printed on a small paper, also on her "business" card - to each person she gets in touch with in her life :)... keep up loving and spreading the message, Uta ;)

1 comment:

Bilbo Baggins said...

O cunsoc pe Uta. Are timp si de floricele si ingerasi bucalati, da` e o fata de nadejde. Si VEDE lucrurile, cum ar zice unu` Terry Pratchett* are "Vazul dintai si Gandul de-al doilea" - asa ca mi-i drag de ea. Sa ne creasca mare!

*individu` asta scrie fara pic de jena carti pe care mi-ar place sa le scriu si eu. Asa ca am mai mult timp liber sa le comentez p-ale Domnieie Sale. Lumea Disc e plina de locuri, lucruri, personaje si intamplari. Aici e vorba de volumul Scotzidushii liberi. Daca il vreti, atentie! nu cautati la cartile de oameni mari! librarii nostri nu sunt capabili sa faca diferenta :( (Editura Corint Junior)