Thursday, February 8, 2007

Do you love dancing?.... then DANCE!!!

ME: I have a passion – I LOVE TO DANCE! I’d like to do something about it… to go to a course or something...
MYSELF: give me 10 more years, to make some good money on my professional career, and then we’ll go dancing, ok
ME: ok, but tomorrow you may “die”…
MYSELF: hehe, I would love to…
ME: why?
MYSELF: I have my own reasons…
ME: and, what is it stopping you?...
MYSELF: hehe, I said I would like to die not that I have the courage to do it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jay, nice blog by the way, but ...

First of all I will tell u that thinking too much about dying will slowly but surely poison your mind. This is the point where every person has two choices: One of taking enough courage for 10 seconds to do it and then everything is over OR the other of becoming quite religious, so u can always use the good old "Gods ways are not understandable so don't even try it ..., but you have to resist and believe in HIM ..."

I don't think u are a too big believer after one of your previous posts so ... the question remains: are you strong enough to forget all of this sh*t. Go dance, make love, go fish or make whatever you want but don't think too much about dying.

Because with time, maybe one day you'll see things as I do right now. I'm quite sure that there is nothing before we are born, and I'm absolutely sure that there is nothing after we die. This is all the time we got, let's say 45 years if we're not lucky, 65 years if we are lucky, and 90 years if we're NOT lucky at all :)

Just a friendly advice for you: Live your life NOW, don't think too much about things we can't really understand and use your time for thing that make u feel that you're really LIVING!

Unknown said...

I don't get it: How can you be absolutely sure there is nothing after dieing?

Its not that I need it to be one way or another (maybe I do need to believe, but that's not my point); its just that I don't understand where this certainty comes from ... especially if it's something we can't really understand ...

I for one have no idea if there is anything there ... and I'm not even sure I've got no idea.

Anyway, living in the now sounds like good advice ...

jay said...

Anonymous, I'm not afraid of (at least thinking of) "dying" for God's ways, I feel they are becoming more simpler and understandable for me; I don't have to resist anything... maybe just forgetting-about-I-am-going-to-die-soon.
“If today is the last day of my life, would I wanna do what I am about to do today? … whenever the answer has been “NO” for too many days in row I know I need to change something. Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool to help make the big choices in life. Almost everything fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering you are going to die is the best way to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to loose. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”
So I WANT to remember each day I will die soon, I want to wake up every morning and not hate myself for making so many compromises, for working with people I don’t want to work with because I cannot show up who I really am in those relations, for doing what I HAVE to do, not what I LIKE to do, for telling myself that “it will take just one more of this and then it’ll be ok, I’ll drop and begin to do what I really want to”… I don't want to forget all this “sh*t"…

I don't argue with what you're saying, just making observations from my point of view... I accept what you believe, what you're sure about... in the end, even if you think or not about dying, indeed it counts only if you are HERE and NOW, if you’re living you’re life to the full... if you truly walk the path...