Rompetrol TV advertising
In the Rompetrol TV advertising, the one with rising trends, the music catched my attention... later I found you... Chris Spheeris was the creator of it... beautiful sounds! If someone has it I whould like some...thx :)
Welcome! :) I AM are some of the encounters/events in my life which I want to share with you...
In the Rompetrol TV advertising, the one with rising trends, the music catched my attention... later I found you... Chris Spheeris was the creator of it... beautiful sounds! If someone has it I whould like some...thx :)
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I have all the Chris Speeris albums :) I'm listening his music since high school.
Bogdan, you are an angel now, a messanger, thx for helping me out with this... better later then never; you know, something happens only when the student is ready for that ;)
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