Sunday, December 28, 2008

Imagine Peace Tower - Iceland

IMAGINE PEACE TOWER from Yoko Ono on Vimeo.

War is over if YOU want it!

WAR IS OVER! (If You Want It) from Yoko Ono on Vimeo.

Are you a "waiter"?

How much of your life do you spend waiting? "Small scale waiting is waiting in line at the post office, in a traffic jam, at the airport or for someone to arrive, to finish work and so on. "Large scale waiting" is waiting for the next vacation, for a better job, for the children to grow up, for a truly meaningful relationship, for success, to make money, to be important, to become enlightened. It is not uncommon for people to spend their hole life waiting to start living.

Are you a habitual "waiter"?

Waiting is a state of mind. Basically it means that you want to future, you don't want the present. [...] With every kind of waiting you unconsciously create inner conflict between you here and now, where you don't want to be, and the projected future, where you want to be. [...]

There is nothing wrong with setting goals and striving to achieve things. the mistake lies in using it as a substitute for the feeling of life.[...]

So give up waiting as a state of mind. When you catch yourself slipping into waiting... snap out of it. Come into the present moment.

[quoted from "The Power of Now" book, by Eckhart Tolle]

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Today I have the opportunity to create a newer version of myself, a version of peace, forgiveness, compassion and love.

Today is time for inner preparations, time to shine out and light my way.

What I choose for myslf I will give to another! Today, I'm acting on knowingness. I can cause another to remember who they really are. I can go inside and search for inner wisdom and see what this calls me to do. Then I'll do it, I'll not be afraid.

Today I can breath - long, deeply, slowly, gently... I can see the silence holds the secret and the first thing is to develop this silence within the self, inside.

Today I can see relationships has one purpose: are a vehicle to declare-express-create-experience-fulfill the highest notion of who I really am.

Today I can trust myself, I can let go! I can understand that I am bringing ALL THIS to myself and there's perfection in it. I know the world is presenting me with circumstances and only I decide what those circumstances mean.

Today, who I AM DOES make a difference!

Today YOU and I are ONE! isn't this GREAT?!?!?! :D...and TODAY is everyday, all days, always, all ways... ;)
So, go and live, love, breath, do, trust, make a difference... TODAY!

(summarizing some thoughts in the CwG, Book 3, by Neale Donald Walsch.)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Story of STUFF

Allow ourselves to become aware of the systems we are impacting.. look here: (play the movie - 20 minutes).

(Thank you, Daniela for sharing it!)